I used Adobe Photoshop at school and its prety good. I have been looking for a program like it for free and I came across gimp.
Which one should I download and is it easy to install.
Photoshop for free or another program?aurora
Gimp is good, it works a little differently so may take some practise to get used to, but it is is similar to photoshop. It is also very easy to install.
It's completely free because it was first made for linux, but there is also a free windows version. Make sure you download the right one. :)
Photoshop for free or another program?download
GIMP is free and its easy for Install on windows (except the dependencies)
From my experience, GIMP is hard to use.
Well, you can try this :
Free :
* CinePaint
* GIMPshop
* JDraw
* KolourPaint
* KOffice's Krita
* mtPaint
* Paint.NET
* Seashore
* Tile Studio
* Tux Paint
* Pixen
* Artweaver
* ArtRage
* Brush Strokes Image Editor
* Helicon Filter Free
* IrfanView
* Picasa
* Pixia
* Project Dogwaffle 1.2 Free Version
* OpenCanvas
* Ability Photopaint
* ACD Canvas (formerly Deneba Canvas)
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